A Defining Moment
If you weren’t with us in the early days of City Church Melissa, it might be hard to imagine just how remarkable our journey has been. Our church began in a living room with a handful of families, all taking a bold step of faith for Jesus. We didn’t know what the future held, or if our new church would even survive, but we stepped out in faith anyway. Over the past ten years, we’ve discovered one powerful truth:
In every step of faith, Jesus has been faithful.
That first uncertain step was just the beginning of many defining moments in our church’s story. From our launch in 2014 to welcoming new staff, purchasing our Vineyard Hill property, and most recently, sending out beloved members of our family to plant Resurrection Church, Jesus has guided us every step of the way. Our story is one of faith because Jesus has met us in every single step. We’ve learned to trust Him and know that He is good.
Now, City Church, we find ourselves once again at a pivotal moment. Jesus is calling us to take yet another step of faith. And as with every important moment in our church’s history, we face some key questions:
- Will we take this next step?
- Will we cling to control, or will we trust Jesus to lead?
- Will we walk by sight, or will we walk by faith, placing everything in God’s hands?
- We’ve followed Jesus before—will we follow Him again?
These questions are central to our "Follow Me" initiative.
The "Follow Me" initiative is the biggest step of faith we’ve ever taken as a church, and I’m inviting you to step forward with us. I’m asking you to open your heart to the Lord, to discover what it truly means to follow Jesus—not just with your generosity, but with your entire life.
City Church, Jesus is leading us into deeper waters of faith. We’re entering a new season, and it begins with this step. So, let’s follow the risen Jesus together!
Pastor Ryan
In the last four years City Church has grown 134%, with a yearover-year growth rate of nearly 30%.
In 2024, our growth has dramatically slowed because we have simply run out of room.
We have a clear choice before us. Either we start telling our city that we are out of room for them or we make room for the many people the Lord is directing our way.
When we consider the choice before us through that lens of the mission Jesus has given us, we are left with one option: do all we can to make room that will allow us to make more disciples.
What is the Follow Me Initiative?
Follow Me is a generosity initiative that we believe will greatly strengthen our faith as a church family. This initiative is not primarily about a dollar amount; rather, it’s about growing deeper as disciples together.
Our primary goal is 100% participation.
We want 100% of those who call City Church home to open themselves up to the Lord and have a life-changing encounter with Him as it relates to generosity.
We are believing God for our secondary goal of $3.5 million in generosity over the next three years.
Our groundbreaking goal is $700K by the end of 2024. This will ensure we are in a strong financial position to begin construction, allowing us to maintain our regular ministry budget while taking on the additional expenses associated with building.
What does it look like at City Church Melissa to "Follow Me"?
- It looks like loving and praying over babies in the nursery, so that tired parents can hear the Gospel.
- It looks like leading your family in Bible study.
- It looks like worshipping together as the body of Christ each week.
- It looks like joining a Fight Club and inviting your neighbors, growing in your faith together.
- And it looks like giving so that we have the space to welcome the people God is bringing to City Church Melissa.